Thursday, January 8, 2009


I found an interesting article this morning that talks about the effect temples can have on surrounding real estate where they are built. I know this has been a positive effect in many areas I've visited.

One quote in the article, by Steve Brown who lives across the street from a temple, really hit me...
"When I wake up in the morning and look out that window, I have the resolve and determination to live through the day and keep the covenants of being an honest and hardworking person," Steve said.

I know now why church leaders have encouraged us to have images of the temple in our home. Most of us won't have the experience in our lifetimes, of living across the street from one of the Lord's houses. In fact, many will ever only come close by hours of driving. However, the effect of waking up and seeing an image of the temple every day in our home can be just as powerful. I was taught in Young Women's that each young girl should have a temple in her bedroom, to remind her each day as she wakes and prepares for the day, of the goals of attending and making covenants in the temple. I believe that can have a profound impact. We can all have the "resolve and determination" as Steve said, "to live through the day and keep the covenants" and I believe keeping the image of the temple close to us can help. Maybe we could find a desirable piece of real estate in our own homes where we can place or build an image of the temple, that we might see it every day and be edified. Could be a fun FHE....looking for a temple site!


SUPPORT said...

Thank You so much for all your love and support with my new blog!

Bonnie said...

This is a great idea. I am going to do a home evening on this tomorrow. We get the opportunity to take our children through the new Draper temple next Saturday for the open house. They are way excited and the home evening will go great!

Thanks for sharing.

The Valsy said...

We could see the temple from the house we lived in at college and drove by it every single day for four years. It was devine. It was 30 seconds from our house.


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